Para llegar a Machu Picchu, se lo
puede realizar de dos maneras: la primera que es llegar a la ciudad de Cusco y
luego tomar un tren para llegar a Machu Picchu, o haciendo un trekking de 82km
por la ferrovía Cusco-Machu Picchu. No
hay carreteras ni aeropuerto para ir a de Cusco a Machu Picchu

Información sobre boletos de tren a Machu
Picchu: itinerarios y tarifas
Después de subir la Montaña en el
bus llegamos a la ciudadela Inca de Machu Picchu, toco esperar a que abran las
puertas a las 6:00 AM. En la entrada se puede contratar a guias que explicaran
lo concerniente a la ciudadela.
Una vez que ingrese había mucha
neblina y comencé a buscar la entrada para subir a la montaña Machu Picchu,
toda la montaña estaba hecha de escaleras de piedra, unas 3 horas y media de
subida y bajada, quise subir la montaña Huayna Picchu pero no alcance cupo para
subir solo dan a 400 personas y para montaña Machu Picchu dan para 800
personas. En la cima hay una pequeña
cabaña para descansar, eramos pocas personas a esa hora, unos japoneses, dos
argentinos, dos españolas y yo.
Si desean información adicional
para ir hasta cualquiera de estas montañas aquí les dejo este link: http://boletomachupicchu.com/diferencia-montana-machu-picchu-y-huayna-picchu/
No hay palabras que puedan
describir la primera impresión que tuve acerca de Machu Picchu, lo que uno ve
en fotos es muy pequeño, por algo no ha sido nominado como una de las
maravillas del mundo, es muy impresionante llegar y ver toda la ciudadela en su
esplendor. Es algo que siempre se lo va a llevar en la mente haber llegado a
conocer tan impresionante lugar. Quiero volver por Huayna Picchu, este hermoso
lugar vale la pena volver.
A la salida pueden tomar los
mismos buses para ir hasta el pueblo o ir caminando como algunas personas lo
hacen, en mi caso tome el bus camine toda la ciudadela hasta las 3 de la tarde
y estaba cansado para ir caminando. A la salida de la ciudadela también pueden
marcar su pasaporte y dejar constancia de que llegaron a Machu Picchu.

Una vez en Cusco llegue de nuevo
al hostal, seguí recorriendo sus calles que me parecieron de lo más hermosas,
no me cansaba de caminar y conocer más de esta histórica ciudad,
definitivamente hay que volver en algún momento de mi vida sé que estaré de
vuelta en la ciudadela de los Incas llamada Machu Picchu, Cusco hasta la

In my case I did the first. I take a bus that left me in Ollantaytambo, so I take the train that take me to Machu Picchu village (Aguas
Calientes). The train makes the journey along the Urubamba River, I met a
couple of Colombians very cool I traveled with them in the train. We talked the route that they
had done and how far they wanted to go.
Information about train tickets to Machu
Picchu: itineraries and rates

Arriving at the village of Machu Picchu I was expecting for someone from the hostel where I was hosted in those two days in the village, there are many hostels and places to sleep I went off season so there were many places to checked in.The hostel where I was staying in Cusco helped me to find this site that had the basics, just missing the tv, but how I was so tired I slept early because I had to get up at 5:00 am.
I had to go to the Inca citadel of Machu Picchu at the top of the mountain. When you reach the village of Machu Picchu, you can take small buses that are available for the transport and you can climb to the Inca citadel.
After climbing the mountain in the bus, I arrived at the Inca citadel of Machu Picchu, I had to wait to open the doors at 6:00 PM. At the entrance you can hire guides to explain you the history about the citadel.
Once you log to the citadel, It was very foggy, so I started to looking for the entrance to climb the Machu Picchu mountain, the whole mountain was made of stone stairs, about 3 hours up and down, I wanted to climb the mountain Huayna Picchu but I didn't get, It only gave tickets for up to 400 people and Machu Picchu mountain gave tickets to 800 people. At the top There is a small cabin to rest, we were few people at that time, some Japanese, two Argentinians, two Spanish and me.
Once you log to the citadel, It was very foggy, so I started to looking for the entrance to climb the Machu Picchu mountain, the whole mountain was made of stone stairs, about 3 hours up and down, I wanted to climb the mountain Huayna Picchu but I didn't get, It only gave tickets for up to 400 people and Machu Picchu mountain gave tickets to 800 people. At the top There is a small cabin to rest, we were few people at that time, some Japanese, two Argentinians, two Spanish and me.
Unfortunately I could not see the citadel because It was extremely foggy but the effort was worth reaching the summit and meet people from around the world along the rise and fall of the mountain.
If you would like additional information to go to any of these mountains here are this link: http://boletomachupicchu.com/diferencia-montana-machu-picchu-y-huayna-picchu/
If you would like additional information to go to any of these mountains here are this link: http://boletomachupicchu.com/diferencia-montana-machu-picchu-y-huayna-picchu/

No words can describe the first impression that I had about Machu Picchu, what you see in photos is very small, a place that It has been nominated as one of the wonders of the world, it's very impressive when you come and see the citadel in its splendor. It is something that I'm always going to bring in my mind. I have come to know so impressive place. I want to come back for Huayna Picchu mountain,I wish to come back to this beautiful place.
When I arrive to the village, I rested a couple of hours after that I went out to eat and a few drinks with my colombian friends that I met in the train, after a few drinks we had to said goodbye, I had to return to Cusco early in the morning.
Once in Cusco I come back to the hostel after that I kept walking in those beautiful streets, I never felt tired to walk and learn more about this historic city, I definitely need to go back at some point in my life. I know I'll be back in the citadel of the Incas called Machu Picchu, Cusco waits for me again!!!

Maravilloso mister... una Bitácora de viajes 👏